Skinny Dream – Exhale

You’d think the current Shoegazing revival that’s bubbling down in music’s underbelly might at least have seen some glimmer of mainstream recognition by now. There’s hundreds of kids that are going to bed each night clutching copies of Loveless and wondering why their own brand of  gooey feedback can’t get more than a couple of hundred plays on Soundcloud and maybe the reason is that it’s lacking that spark of originality that made the initial movement so exciting in the first place. Ultimately whatever you’re doing was probably done better in it’s early 90s heyday.

Skinny Dream are at least daring to stand out by injecting a bit of Stone Roses pill-popping euphoria to their dreamy soundscapes, sidestepping the pool of hookless gloom that many of these bands immerse themselves in.Whilst I think its a sound in it’s infancy there’s some hints of brilliance in there that make them worth checking in on. They look fucking cool too which never hurt anyone…

Who’s making the best shoegazey stuff at the moment? Comment!


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